Dragonfly is a professional color picker.
Watch the tutorial video on our website

Dragonfly allows you to select UP TO EIGHT DIFFERENT COLORS and to see them immediately side by side. So you can quickly and easily find well fitting color combinations.

Often you need several VARIATIONS of a color. For example, you want a brighter blue as background color, a middle blue for graphic elements and a darker blue for your text.
Dragonfly will automatically produce variations from your chosen color and adjust them live as you change the color. You can even set the number of variations you want to get.

Dragonfly also makes it easier to find the right TEXT COLOR fitting to your background. See how readable your text is while you change its color.
You can set the text color individually for every color panel - so in summary you can edit up to 16 different colors in one window!

Dragonfly provides you with COLOR CODES in hexadecimal (for web), decimal (for graphics) and CMYK (for print) values for any of your chosen colors and text-colors. Naturally this also works the other way round: enter a color code and Dragonfly will display the according color.

* up to 8 colors side by side
* automatically creates variations
* compose background- and text-colors
* color codes in decimal, hexadecimal, CMYK
* save your colors
* export as HTML